Tuesday, October 26, 2010

exiting writer's block

Life, recently:

1. I've become a firm believer in Karma, even when she's a sassy, little bitch.
2. I've come to respect and cherish the friendships that I take for granted.
3. A regret for not pursuing my French minor has cultivated.
4. Cam Newton is boss, as is the entire Auburn football team. War Eagle!
5. Journalism doesn't seem as exciting as it did two years ago.
6. I have an obsession with the outdoors.
7. A Mocha Frap with extra whip is the key to my heart, seriously.
8. An urge to serve others selflessly has instilled itself within me.
9. Completely outspoken and honest, yet always tactful.
10. Writer's block is finally broken.
11. "Always do what you're afraid to do." -Emerson
12. I have a genuine interest in philosophy.
13. Being a free spirit is the only way to live.
14. I want to learn to play guitar, but the actual motivation is lacking.
15. Looking for a frat daddy. Kidding.
16. I made my first, real meal: success! (love for cooking has still yet to form)
17. I've taken note on where my roots are firmly planted.
18. Change is for the bravehearted. Change is good. I'm conducting the change train.
19. There's a blissful reward in appreciating the quiet/serene moments of the day.
20. I've realized everything doesn't always happen for a specific reason. Sometimes it just happens.

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