Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I'm not sure what sparked me to write this, but lately I have been spending too much time focusing on myself and things that are insignificant. So, I decided to take a step back and evaluate the world around me, and I have come to this conclusion: being absorbed has isolated me from all the happiness surrounding me, beginning with my friends.

I may be biased, but I honestly know that I have the BEST friends a girl could have. I am so incredibly blessed with such inspiring, beautiful, funny, intelligent, genuine, and loving women in my life that I get the privilege of calling my friends. So here's dedication to you- to those that make me a better person, who stick by my side even when I don't deserve it, and to those who I wouldn't trade anything in the world for, honestly. Diving head first into your happiness has made be a better person and for that gift, I will forever be grateful.

Just the other day, I could have sworn fireworks exploded within Julia as we drove home. One of her "dreams" you could say, finally came true. As I listened to her giddily talk about the plans for the coming weeks, I realized that her happiness made me happy. Watching my friend so excited honestly opened my eyes to the realization that if I step away from my selfish tendencies, I become a better person. Being self-absorbed has gotten me nowhere, but the beauty that is created from sharing in the happiness of a dear friend is unfathomably valuable. Who knew, right?

So thanks J for letting me share your moment with you, it meant more than you know.

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