Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"As we grow old, the beauty steals inward."

As I sit inside on this last, beautiful day in March, I've realized that everything that has happened in the past six months has been absolutely joyful. I look around my room, wondering what would have happened had I chosen another path...what if I had not chosen Auburn, what if it was UGA, or even a school across the country? WAR DAMN. That's all I have to say about that. I am so blessed to be able to attend such a wonderful school. I am so proud to be an Auburn Tiger. All the days I spent wondering where my future would take me, all the times I prayed about Auburn; well, it's all been answered, for sitting in my room in Auburn, AL, happiness flows through my veins.

Every single day I am challenged with new obstacles, endure new types of criticism, and each day I am thankful for the life I have been blessed with. Appreciation is easily ignored when you have all these wonderful events and people in your life, but right now while my roommate is gone, I'm giving the thought of appreciation a minute or two longer than usual.

It astonishes me that I only have five weeks left until I have one year of college under my belt. They said high school would fly by, but they never mentioned college having the same effect. I have met some of the most caring, interesting, and beautiful people here. Leaving high school, I thought the world was coming to an end: the familiar would be shattered by a dark future, and nothing would ever be the same. Boy, was I wrong! My future is shining bright with guidance from my God. It's funny that even when I neglect to give Him praise for what has happened and is happening in my life, He never turns His cheek on me; He is always with me, always guiding me on the right path. Someone once told me that it's silly to worry about anything, because whether you like it or not, that day will come when you have to face your fears, then it will be over and you'll smile because you made it through. I've honestly taken that to heart this year at Auburn. I try not to dwell on what I'm afraid of, "The LORD is my light and salvation- whom shall I fear?" (Psalm 27:1).

I hate New Year's resolutions, for no one actually keeps them. However, I am making a resolution right now: to live each day with the absence of fear, replaced by the utmost joy and appreciation for each moment I have been given.

Here's to a blog of random thoughts. Here's to the end of the first year. Here's to a new me!

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