Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Ever since I was little, my dad has always taught me that I can achieve whatever my heart so desires as long as I have the passion for it. This never really hit home until I came to college and was choosing a major. I've always had a deep appreciation for the written word and it's impact on people, therefore my natural choice of study would be Journalism. I adore writing, and I love to read literature. It's something that I can envision myself being surrounded by for the rest of my life, not because I can tolerate it, but because I'm passionate for it. As Emerson so profoundly put it, "Nothing great was ever achieved without ENTHUSIASM,"and boy was he point on! I'm one of the lucky ones that know exactly what I want to do with my life, and for that I'm extremely grateful.

The other day I was conversing with some friends about different majors, and somehow the "MRS" degree was brought up in regards to Elementary Education. Of course I laughed as well, but then later I started pondering on it for a little while longer. People perceive some majors as a joke, because they're "easier," or because they don't seem as prestigious as an engineering degree. Well the more I thought about people making fun of these majors, mine included, it honestly offends me. Not every person is called to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. I feel that God has given each of us different paths for different reasons that we may never know. I'm not a science whiz- I NEVER will be, but I can muster up a pretty good paper. My point is, is that I don't understand why people feel the need to put themselves on higher pedestals because they chose to take a different path. Without Elementary Education majors, there would be no one to teach children the basic fundamentals of education. Without them, no person who is an undergraduate would be at this level, had he/she never started at square one. So to think that these women and men are merely taking the easy road to an education, is completely false and demeaning.

I know my choice of major is not the most extensive that Auburn provides, but at least it's something that I'm passionate for. I have fervor for the subject, and I can see myself being happy with my decision for a very long time. When I hear friends and other students making derogatory comments towards other people of lesser majors, it really rubs me the wrong way. Of course I would love to make 200 grand a year for being a physician, but that's not something that I would enjoy in the long run. It's not that I'm uncapable of it, because I sure as hell am, but it's not what I'm meant to do.

I guess my whole point of this rambling blog entry, is that I do not appreciate when people try to extinquish someone else's passion that they have for a subject. Yes, so what if one person's classes seem harder; it makes them no better of a person. It doesn't matter what studies one does, as long as they have passion to succeed within it. Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch once said, "The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire." Maybe one day more people will understand this, and they too will have passion as I do, and then the rest won't matter.

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