Tuesday, April 20, 2010

triangle lovin', beeee-yahhhhh.

Hmmm, I don't know why, but at 11:33, when I should be reading some enthralling sociology, I started to look at some old pictures, reminiscing on old times. When I think about all the friendships I've had over the years, some of which at one point or another I've regretted, I can honestly say that each one of them has contributed to who I am today. I am merely lucky that I was privileged enough to have these people in my life. I suppose there's a reason why we were friends, there's a reason why we're not anymore, and there's an even bigger reason why I have the people I have right now in my life. My dad always says that in the end, if you can count on one hand the number of true friends you have, then you're lucky. It's funny that I never believed him, but now I understand that.

My two best friends, Becky and Maggie, have been through so much with me. It's actually funny though, because all three of us are completely different, but I think that's what makes our friendship work. Each of us adds certain qualities that the other two desire and we complement each other in that way. And although I don't get to see them very much, I think about them often and how they are my support. Out of all the wonderful people I've met here, if something is wrong or I just to need to have a "real talk," I call one of them- because they understand. It's the little things like that, that make a friendship worthwhile.

All of the years before, when I cared so much about what other people thought, and worried about being friends with everyone, was a complete waste. It's comical to me now to think that I cared so much, when instead I had all I need right by my side. The two people that toughed it out and stuck with me through everything. The two that never doubted me, never gave up my confidence, and always accepted me for who I was. Now in college, I see all the time, false friendships being created and it makes me even more happy to have the people that I do in my life. I guess to sum it all up, I'm incredibly thankful to have such wonderful, intelligent, beautiful, caring, and insightful people in my life. And in the end, if I only have two, it'll be just fine with me.

TRIANGLE FOREVER, beeeeeee-yahhh :)

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