Monday, April 26, 2010

"live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air..."

God, for one moment I would just like the world to pause. I feel that my entire life has been on speed for almost a month now. One of my professors the other day threw out a random question for thought: what would you do if you could pause your day for one hour? Of course no one really acknowledged her saying this, but it's actually an interesting question if you think about it long enough. Would you do something daring? Would you sleep for an extra hour? Would you lay in the grass and listen to the great outdoors? Would you sit and ponder on your life and how you wished it could be changed? Would you continue on like nothing happened? Would you spend it doing something worthless, or would you take full advantage of the moment? That's another thing... everyone's always talking about that- "you just need to live in the moment." Honestly though, I keep asking myself why? My past is apart of who I am today. Without it, I would be a completely different person. Even with my lowest of lows, I still believe that they were significant and important contributions to my life. And what about the future? I think about the future constantly! Have I chosen the right major, what if I never fall in love, how am I ever going to manage an even more hectic life than I have right now; where in the world am I headed in this great big scheme of life!?

However, if I could pause my life for one hour, I would stop and pay tribute to all the beautiful surroundings. I feel that the little things are constantly overlooked and are never appreciated. The always cheerful drunk bus driver that people say thank you to, but never in a sincere way- mostly out of habit. The beauty of the flowers and the way they trigger your senses, constantly reminding you of sweet, warm spring days. The journal that I've kept for quite some time, but hardly ever pick up, for blogging is the new replacement for random thoughts. The random acts of kindness that people share with one another, but are hardly ever noticed by anyone else. Things like these- random, small things that are hardly ever recognized or thought twice about. I feel that we are completely absorbed, that we forget to "live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." We should take these words as inspiration- we all could use a daily pause in our lives to bring us back to the basics of it all.

We should take these words and run with them.

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