Friday, May 14, 2010

change is for the bravehearted

The long, new days have turned into the familiar, and finally there has been closure as summer has rapidly approached. It feels so good to know that I have added so many exciting marks to my life thus far, but it's also sad to know that yet again, another chapter has closed. This past year has been full of adventure and excitement. I feel that each day that I have been given has transformed into the woman I am now. Even with just one year under my belt, I feel stronger, brighter, happier, wittier, and even more blessed for the life I have been given to live. So thank you, freshman year, for the lessons that you've taught me, the friends you've given me, and the opportunity to check a couple more things off of my bucket list.

So summer, I give you the challenge to make something that may seem excruciating, or even boring at times, into something worthwhile and miraculous. I feel that I should probably embrace all of my not so free time, and make it into something that in twenty years I'll look back and smile upon. I've always felt that I've wasted away my summers sleeping in until late afternoon, worrying about being tan, when instead I could be doing something actually rewarding with my time. The years go by quickly, as I most recently saw this freshman year, and I don't want anything that has the possibility of being good, slip away from me.

So, here's to the best summer ever and I'm only three days in. I have no idea what lies ahead for me, but I do know that as long as I have the wonderful people in my life that I do, the next couple of months will be nothing less than amazing. I feel that summers are for change and being re-born, so to speak. Everyone can use a little change in their life; it makes us continuously evolve into even more interesting people than we already are. It allows us to re-evaluate who we are and move forward. Change, I believe, is for the bravehearted. It takes real courage to embrace it; acknowledge it, and even more to accept it. Therefore, I believe that summer and change, are synonymous. They are both an opportunity to expand your horizons, live a little on the edge, and further yourself in all areas of life. Anything is possible in these warm days that capture so many of our hearts and embed themselves in our memories forever.


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