Sunday, May 30, 2010

living in the summer warmth

I feel like I haven't blogged in so long, that I forget how to even begin an entry. However, I guess there's no real format, so I can begin anyway I want.

It is so true that as you get older, the time flys by so much faster then when you were younger. I've already been out of school for about three weeks now, when it feels like just yesterday I was finishing up with final exams. The past few weeks have been entirely too enjoyable, catching up on sleep and doing whatever I please. I kind of forgot what it felt like to be able to do whatever you wanted, without anything to worry about. I guess you could say I'm a big advocate of the easy life.

However, the easy life is only restricted to the weekends now for me, because as of the beginning of last week, I am a full-time, working woman! Yay, for money and waking up earlier than the roosters. Well, I don't actually have to get up at the crack of dawn, but it sure does feel like that. I'm not complaining though, because I absolutely love working- being part of the real world will be fun for the summer :)

Other than working and the occasional hanging out with a few friends, life right now has been slow and relaxing. The only problem is that I have had writer's block a lot recently. I haven't had anything to write about, nor even the desire to do so. This makes me sad, but I guess even the greats needed a little time away. It's funny though how things work, because although I haven't been able to write, I've had time to catch up on some lovely reading that I've been wanting to do for the past six months, but failed to ever accomplish. I guess when life doesn't hand you one thing, it gives you something else to captivate your attention.

Well, I guess that's about it for now. I feel like a different person writing this, because I usually go into an entry with a philosophical thinking behind whatever I'm going to write. Hopefully soon I'll get back into the swing of things, and if not, I'll just accept change and go with it.

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