Thursday, June 24, 2010

we all want to be living proof, too.

Sometimes I like to take a few hours out of my day to simply think. Lay paralyzed, listening to music of some sort and just allow my mind to have a little recess. Today as I laid on my bed, listening to the invigorating voices of Joshua Radin and Schuyler Fisk's "Paperweight," I began to reflect on the idea of soulmates. It's so cliche, yet very original.

When I was little, I could have sworn on Santa's life that every person had a soulmate, but now I just believe it because it just feels right to believe it. The idea that every person has someone that completes them- now that's beauty in its purest form. Some may disagree with me, but why not believe in something so profound? I have an aunt and uncle who are soulmates; they're living proof that they exist. I also know other couples who are living proof that even if they do exist, most will never exist together. It happens all the time: too early, too late, and sometimes and most frequently, never at all.

But then again, maybe soulmates also come in different forms. They come in lovers, best friends, sisters, brothers, colleagues. A wise Aristotle once said,"Friendship is one soul dwelling in two bodies," and I think he was correct. The one person that completely understands you for you. The one person that does something a little extra for your life. I believe, that, within itself is enough to convince anyone.

A few weeks ago, the news showcased a couple that had been married for several years, not knowing each other prior to meeting in their early, adult years. One day the man came across a photo that was taken of him at a theme park when he was about 5 years old. In the background, walking with her mother, he noticed a familiar face. That familiar face was now his wife. Never had they imagined that earlier in their lives, they had crossed paths. It's funny to think that walking down the street, you pass thousands of strangers, but you could be passing your soulmate, your potential spouse. Fate works in interesting ways: the story of the photograph proves it, as well as gives us romantics hope that one day we can be a living proof, too.

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