Monday, April 11, 2011

Decision 1,768,456,332

Lately my mind has been jumping back and forth about what the future holds. There's so many things I want to accomplish, yet I feel as though I don't have enough time. I have so many interests and aspirations that they're conflicting with one another, and it's really starting to get the best of me.

Example of most recent conflict: to study abroad or not. People, places, culture, traveling; it's what I love, it's what I want to center my life around, but on the same token I love Auburn, and I'm afraid of missing out on opportunities here. I would absolutely adore spending a semester in France, England, China, etc. meeting new people and figuring out more of who I am and what this great world entails, but for some reason I can't decide if it's what's right for me at this point in my life. And this is completely frustrating because I ALWAYS know what I want; I've never been the indecisive type, and plan A has always worked out in my favor.

However, I also know that as opportunities come along, I should probably jump at them. Right now, I'm still young, wild, and free (thanks for that, Wiz) and I have the ability to take flight on a whim with only minimal worry. I suppose it all boils down to taking chances- hoping and praying that I have wings that let me soar.

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