Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chances are...

Chances are meant to be taken. They loom in the unexpected, awaiting the lively hearted to take them by the hand; to dive head first into the unknown. Life is too grand and too short to treat circumstance as anything less than extraordinarily. Taking mere baby steps to gain anything significant is but a waste of time, instead, one should take great leaps of faith. Why be afraid of something that you yearn so deeply for? Why be afraid of an outcome when chance and opportunity will come a knockin' again?

A couple of observations recently have led me to believe in the process of looking at life as a canvas. Each person you meet, each conversation you have, each choice you make will ultimately, in the end, guide you towards something wonderful, so why would you ever want to take baby steps in any situation? Go big or go home, I say. Put yourself out there, and show the world who you are. With billions of people, you're bound to find a few fans along the way.

With each passing day, I feel myself becoming more and more comfortable in my own skin. I have less worries, for I've learned that worrying is tiredsome and a waste of time (whether you like it or not, said event will occur and then it will pass with the blink of your eye, and you'll wonder why you ever were frazzled over it). Now, I look at life and gladly accept its challenges, for nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm, thus all must strive to embody this ideal. I've adopted the mindset that nothing is/ will be too good for me, nor is it out of my reach. If I want it, I'll pursue it because I know that I am good enough, if not better. Not to be miscontrued as conceited, but more as confidently seeking the grandeur in life. I'm tired of giving in and settling, when I've always been a "reach for the stars, shoot for the moon" kind of girl. For my well-being and selfish happiness, I have banished all fear of failing and implemented positive thinking towards success.

So, I re-visit my earlier statement, "chances are meant to be taken." Each day is a new slate; a fresh start, if you will. We should be rejoicing in this and accepting every chance, big and small, that is given to us, for you'll never know just how great something is until you try it at least once. Chances are not meant to be looked at and admired, they're meant to be tried and worn. Had I not taken certain chances, I would have missed out on some important widsom, on some wonderful relationships and other amazing experiences that have added to the complexity of my womanhood.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I could paint your words on a canvas and hang them in my room.
